Missing Classmates

We need your help locating our "Missing" classmates.  

By "missing" we mean we have no email or mailing address for these classmates.  If you know how to contact anyone on this list, please get in touch with them and give them our site address:  www.Meadowdale1965lynnwoodwa.org.  

Or, you can pass their contact information on to us and we will invite them to join this site. Using the "Message Center" on the left-side menu, send a message to Anne Mackie, Site Administrators. Thank you!


Aretta D Adams
Diane E Allaire (McMillan)
Gloria J Anderson
Kerrie J Anderson (Stenson)
Mary A Anderson
Marian Andrews
Tim Baekel
Jean Barrows
Fred Bartlett
Richard M Beard
Robert A Beard
Ken Berg
Colleen R Bookter (Okeson)
Marcia A Brown (Williams)
Elizabeth (Liz) Campbell
Sandra Lea Campbell
Ron P Carlson
Janice Kay Cohagen
Brad Craven
Shannon C Daniels
Terry Lee DeHart
Linda A Ellsworth
Lillian Gibbs
William Gibbs
Rose Marie Giza
Sandra Leone Graeber
(Elsie) Winifrid Hale
Ronald R Haroldson
Stan Hauter
Meredith Havens (Barr)
Gary L Hebert
Skip (Henry L) Henderson
Rita Innes
(Ruth) Ann Johansen
Lloyd S Johnson
Loretta Johnson (Hall)
Louise Johnson
Richard D Judd
Dan Kellogg
Sharon Knutson
Anne Lindsay
Raymond Lloyd
Sharon Marshal
Dale Martin
Marianne McConnell
Rick McConnell
Russell McElroy
Laurine Miller (Tuez)
Mark Miller
Rick Miller
Terry Miller
Tom Miller
Bob Nitschke
Art Opperman
Irene Palmer
Pat Paulson
Gloria Perry (Harper)
Kathy Perry
Lynn Price (Whitehead)
Gale Reeves
Greg Reid
Tere Rentko
Kathy Robbins
Scott Roberts
Peggy Rupp (Lawrence)
Orin Sateren
Mike Savor
Norman Schroeder
Gary Shafer
Larry Sowell
Joan Stark (Raymond)
Kari Stonebraker
Judy (Anne) Teel (Freese)
Jan Thompson
Paul Thompson
Irene Vernon
Cheri Walker (Medsker)
Bill Whiting
Rosemary Wilkerson (Murphy)
Cheryl Williams
Steve Williams
John Wills
Claudia Wysomierski
Zonora Zastro (Boyce)

Guest Members

Ron Bates (Teacher)
Malisent Buzzard (Teacher)
Carol Clary (67)
Julianne Denby (Anderson '66)
Shirley Gilson (Teacher)
Cecile Hamm (Teacher)
Duane Honsberger (Teacher)
Carol Hotchkiss (Teacher)
Mal Jenkins (Teacher)
Brenda Johnson (Teacher)
Clifford Kays (Teacher)
Steve Keller ('66)
Ron LaFreniere (Teacher)
Marcia McElvain (Teacher)
Marilyn Murphy (Teacher)
Mary Olmsted (Teacher)
Lois Overholt (Teacher)
Wilma Scheel (Teacher)
Sharon Weeks (Teacher)
Glen Williams (Teacher)